How it all started...
- Nov.. 15, 2015 - first worship service held in local restaurant.
- Feb. 2016 - March 2020 - Weekly services & ministry at Calallen HS
- Sept. 10, 2017 - Church calls Pastor Ralph Green as first full time pastor.
- March 2020 to present - Our current property on Northwest Blvd. purchased, renovated being used for the glory of God!
- God has performed miracle after miracle to establish & provide for ChristCentral Baptist Church!

Expanding the vision...
Our vision is to come alongside you & your family to help you each grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe a spiritual church family is vital to the overall life of blessing God desires for us and that Jesus Christ alone can meet our deepest needs. We can't wait to see how the Lord will work in the life of your family as you join us!
Where we are headed...
While we don't what the future holds as the last few years have demonstrated quite clearly. What we do know is that our Lord has called us to do all we can to reach men, women, boys & girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they live in the world. We are called to baptize them in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. We are committed to teaching them to obey everything Jesus Christ has commanded. In carrying out this "Great Commission" we rely on this great promise that the Lord Jesus is with us always, even to the end of the age. This is a compelling mission and an exciting adventure. The only question is, how will you be a part of it?

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather for Bible Study at 9:00 & worship at 10:15 a.m.